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Top Five Reasons why the Interactive Whiteboard is Loved by Learners

Gone are the days when education meant a classroom with a blackboard, desks, and chairs. Education has come a long way from being teacher-centric and listening to lectures in a classroom to finally becoming student-centric where the teacher facilitates the process of learning with activities and hands-on learning techniques.

Add to this the roving attention span of today’s learners which makes engaging them in school lessons a Herculean task. This is where technology has come to the rescue and helped enhance the classrooms with products like interactive whiteboards. We spoke to students of Middle and High School and they shared why they love interactive whiteboards in their classrooms:

  • Suiting a Variety of Learning Styles:

Each child is unique and learns, assimilates and applies the information in his/her own way. Some learn by just listening; others need to note things to remember key concepts. Many prefer hearing or repeating information. Because of the interactive whiteboard’s ability to integrate various learning styles into one experience, students relish learning by seeing, hearing, and interacting with the board through touch.

  • User-Friendly:

Here is a hassle-free teaching tool which gives off no chalk dust or bleeds no ink. Interactive whiteboards are refreshingly clean, durable and require very low maintenance. No chalk or markers or other writing utensils come into play. On the contrary, data is modified using a specialized pen for highlighting, drawing, and writing or even the finger can be used. Thus, no mess, no cleanup, no residue.

  • Empowering the Student:

When pupils know they are free to interact with the learning material, they take ownership of the learning process and become part of the facilitating process. Through peer interaction, these students end up making learning memorable and impressionable.

  • Lending Creativity to the Teacher:

Teachers adore interactive whiteboards because they have the liberty to use an assortment of media types like photos, graphs, maps, illustrations, or videos to clarify concepts and handle the multiple intelligences in a classroom! The possibilities are endless and inspiring for a teacher. Teachers feel that they actually have the power to truly create creative lessons to inspire their students.

  • Bringing the World to the Classroom:

Interactive whiteboards are connected to the internet which opens up the limitless horizon of online tools and resources.  The real world, for which the teacher educates his pupils, is actually invited into the classrooms under conscious monitoring of the facilitator. Interactive whiteboard technology allows for the integration of various other technologies to enhance student learning including microscopes and video cameras.

With the smartboard as a partner in the classroom, teachers remark at how much more attentive students are during lessons and students comment on how much more unforgettable learning becomes.

Equip your classrooms and schools for success with the durable, interactive whiteboards available at Trace Enterprise using advanced IR technology, coated to provide minimal glare. Available in an assortment of sizes from 48″, 56″, 78″, 88″ to 105″ and boasting of infrared/electromagnetic technology, there is one perfect interactive whiteboard for every modern classroom in Karachi.